Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am illegally put in confinement just for being a Hindu : Swami Aseemananda.

असीमानंद ने कहा, मुझे हिंदू होने की सजा मिली
डीके सिंह | आभार : जनसत्ता 

नई दिल्ली, 28 नवंबर। मालेगांव विस्फोट के सिलसिले में सात मुसलमानों की रिहाई के अदालती फैसले पर स्वामी असीमानंद ने सवाल उठाया है। उनका कहना है कि उन्होंने इस बारे में दवाब में बयान दिया था। पहले उन्होंने विस्फोट के लिए कथित तौर पर हिंदू चरमपंथियों को जिम्मेदार बताया था। असीमानंद के इस बयान के बाद अदालत ने इस कांड में गिरफ्तार सात मुसलमानों को जमानत पर रिहा करने के आदेश दिए थे। लेकिन असीमानंद का कहना है कि वे उस बयान से मुकर चुके हैं।राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटील को भेजे एक ज्ञापन में असीमानंद ने यह आरोप भी लगाया है कि उन्हें ‘उनके धर्म के कारण’ प्रताड़ित किया जा रहा है। इस ज्ञापन की प्रतिलिपि प्रधानमंत्री, गृहमंत्री और राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग को भी भेजी गई है। अपने बयान में नबकुमार सरकार उर्फ असीमानंद ने कहा है: ‘दबाव में दिए उस बयान को, जो वापस लिया जा चुका है, मालेगांव कांड के अभियुक्तों के पक्ष में कैसे माना माना जा सकता है, जबकि किसी अदालत ने मेरे वापस लिए गए बयान पर व्यवस्था नहीं दी है? राष्ट्रीय जांच एजंसी (एनआईए) ने किस बिना पर विस्फोटों के अभियुक्तों की जमानत का समर्थन किया। ये अभियुक्त पहले ही अपराध स्वीकार कर चुके हैं और इस बाबत जानकारियां भारत सरकार ने अमेरिका और संयुक्त राष्ट्र से साझा की हंै?’ असीमानंद को 2007 में मक्का मसजिद विस्फोट के सिलसिले में गिरफ्तार किया गया था।

असीमानंद का कहना है: ‘यह न्याय का कैसा उपहास है! एक तरफ दबाव में दिए बयानों के आधार पर मेरे जैसे हिंदू संन्यासी को जांच एजंसियां और सरकार के हाथों अकल्पनीय और असहनीय अपमान झेलना पड़ रहा है और दूसरी ओर गृह मंत्रालय और एनआईए के रुख के कारण मालेगांव कांड के अभियुक्तों को जमानत दे दी गई।’

नवंबर 2010 में स्वामी असीमानंद को सीबीआई अधिकारियों ने हरिद्वार में गिरफ्तार किया था। वे दिल्ली की तरफ आ रहे थे। उन्होंने अपने ज्ञापन में कहा है कि सीबीआई अधिकारियों ने रास्ते में कई बार अंधेरे में गाड़ी रोककर मुझे जमीन पर रेंगने को मजबूर किया। मेरी कनपटी पर पिस्तौल रखकर उन्होंने धमकी दी कि अगर उनका कहा नहीं माना तो वे मुझे गोली मार देंगे। मेरे इनकार करने पर उन्होंने धमकी दी कि वे सामने से आने वाले वाहनों के सामने धकेल देंगे और मेरी मौत को हादसे का रूप दे देंगे। इस हालत में मैंने शर्म के साथ महसूस किया कि एक हिंदू के नाते मेरे कोई मानवाधिकार नहीं हैं। अपने धर्म के कारण मुझे प्रतारणा झेलनी पड़ी। हिरासत में मुझे तनहाई में रखा गया। सारी उम्मीदें खो देने के बाद, और अपने परिवार के सदस्यों को बचाने के लिए मैं उनके दबाव, जुल्म के आगे झुक गया।’

उनका आरोप है कि सीबीआई अधिकारियों ने 164 बयान देने के लिए उन्हें ‘यातना’ दी। न्यायिक हिरासत में भी सीबीआई और एनआईए अधिकारियोंने बिना रोकटोक नियमविरुद्ध उनसे पूछताछ की। ‘कई बार आधी रात के बाद भी मुझसे बेजा बरताव किया गया और कई विस्फोटों के अभियुक्त की तरह पूछताछ की गई। उन्होंने यह धमकी भी दी कि अगर मंैने उनकी बात नहीं मानी तो मेरी मां, भाई और अन्य नातेदारों को जान से मार देंगे।’

असीमानंद ने आगे कहा है कि 18 दिसंबर, 2010 को जब उन्हें दिल्ली में मजिस्ट्रेट के सामने पेश किया गया, सीबीआई अधिकारी सादे कपड़ों में वहां मौजूद थे। उनमें से एक ने उन्हें ‘निर्देशों’ के अनुसार चलने को कहा और उन्होंने एक टाइप किया बयान दिया।
उनके अनुसार ‘भारी मानसिक और शारीरिक दबाव के कारण मैं मजिस्ट्रेट के सामने यह कहने का साहस नहीं जुटा सका कि मैं यह यह बयान मजबूरी में दे रहा हूं।’

असीमानंद ने ‘असहनीय शारीरिक प्रताड़ना’ का स्पष्ट ब्योरा देते हुए कहा है कि ‘ उन लोगों ने संकेत दिया कि अगर मैं उनके कहे मुताबिक नहीं चला तो मेरी मां को हुबली से लाया जाएगा। उनके सामने मुझे नग्न करके अपमानित किया जाएगा।’

‘जब मैं न्यायिक हिरासत में तिहाड़ में था, मुझे कोठरी में दो मुसलिम कैदियों के साथ रखा गया। वे मेरे बारे में जानते थे। मैं विचित्र हालत में था। मेरे पास धमकियों का मुकाबला करने की हिम्मत नहीं थी। मैंने वही किया जो सीबीआई अधिकारी चाहते थे।’

उन्होंने कहा कि पंद्रह जनवरी, 2011 को उन्हें केंद्रीय जेल अंबाला के ‘उप’ अधीक्षक के कक्ष में ले जाया गया, जहां एनआईए अधिकारी मौजूद थे। उन्होंने उन्हें बयान का प्रारूप दिया और निर्देश दिया कि वे इस बयान को मजिस्ट्रेट के सामने पेश करें।

‘अधिकारियों के इस दबाव के बाद मैंने पंचकूला कोर्ट में यही बयान दिया। राजस्थान एटीएस ने भी उन पर दबाव डाला कि वे एक अर्जी लिखें और अजमेर बम कांड में वादामाफ गवाह बन जाएं।’

असीमानंद ने अपने ज्ञापन में कहा है: ‘राष्ट्रपति महोदया, मैंने अकल्पनीय शारीरिक और मानसिक दबाव में अपराध स्वीकार करने का बयान दिया था। किसी भी अदालत ने इस बयान पर व्यवस्था नहीं दी। मालेगांव कांड के अभियुक्तों को, मेरे वापस लिए गए बयान के आधार पर, क्यों जमानत दी गई, जबकि इस मामले में वे अपना अपराध स्वीकार कर चुके थे। मुझे लगता है कि मुझे हिंदू होने के कारण निशाना बनाया गया।’

उन्होंने यह भी कहा है कि ‘राष्ट्रपति महोदया, यह बात हैरतनाक है कि समझौता बम कांड में लश्करे-तैयबा और हूजी आतंकवादियों का हाथ सिद्ध होने और इस बाबत अमेरिका और संयुक्त राष्ट्र को सूचना देने के बाद गृह मंत्रालय ने पलटी मार ली और जबरन लिए बयान के आधार पर कार्रवाई करने में लग गया, जबकि इस बयान से मैं पलट चुका था।’

Friday, September 16, 2011

India-Bangladesh land swap deal : A curse for Border Hindus.

UPA and Congress made this ‘Land Swap Deal’ for border enclaves as a ‘Curse for border Hindus’.

Upananda Brahmachari.

Though the last visit of Sri Monmohan Singh in Bangladesh has been impugned by so many matters and somehow disgraced by the Paschimbanga CM Miss. Mamta Banerjee over the Tista water issue, the managers in UPA and Congress are highlighting this visit of Indian PM in BD has its grand success with an advantage plus position in Land Swap deal of the boarder enclaves (chittmahals) and corridor problems. 

Practically this rubber-stamp Prime Minister has humiliated himself enough, by rendering his service more to an uneducated foreign lady only to seek her self-interest before her final settlement at Italy, than to the Nation as a whole. In each and every footstep this Govt. is being discredited for its light resolute and the hidden coterie very much active to malign the Nation. This is evident from Govt.’s stand and tendency for smashing the Anti-Corruption Move of the Civil Society or like this for the swap deal for the border enclaves that will give our border citizen more and more trouble with a severe persecution by the cross-border invaders very frequently. 

Shrouded in tight secrecy, the deal is suspected to have ceded 10,000 acres of land to Bangladesh in the name of peace with the neighbor. The Govt is beating its big drum publicly by saying that India is giving only 55 enclaves on the border to Bangladesh in return for 111 from it. Though the number of enclaves given away on platter is just half the gain, but their total area is much bigger and that is the potential loss of India, for which the Govt.’s reluctance and falsifying are quite condemnable. 

ABVP's Agitation against Land Swap Deal in Assam.
As a matter of fact this land swap deal tends to a greater loss for Indian aspect. And if it is not checked and we allow this Govt. to go with its irresponsible and locked head advisors ahead, India stands to lose just over 4,000 hectares of its territory, or about 40 square kilometers. India’s 111 enclaves of land within Bangladesh— measure nearly 70 square kilometers. Bangladesh has 51 enclaves of its own, comprising 28 square kilometers surrounded by India. The present land swap would simplify the messy boundary immeasurably—and entail something like a 10,000-acre net loss for India. 

Now after the deal has been signed by the two PMs of India and Bangladesh, the protests from the oppositions and others are quite irritable so that they were busy for some other business and could not find any time for such an important thing when the Nation is going to lose its land for ever. 

For India’s governing Congress party and its friends in UPA making this gift of land to Bangladesh—in all an area equivalent to the size of 2,000 test-cricket stadiums—will not come easy. During this time of ideological waffle, it is an issue which India’s opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can use to flaunt its nationalistic credentials and to attack Congress at a weak spot—its perceived softness towards illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, most of them Muslims. By many estimates, more than 15m (1.5 crore) illegal migrants have entered India from Bangladesh since 1971. The BJP has been trotting out the round figure of 25m (2.5 crore) for years. 

Meanwhile, construction of a border fence, 2.5m high, on India’s 4,100km border with Bangladesh, the world’s fifth-longest (due to all its zinging and zagging), continues unabated. It is a bloody border, too. Indian soldiers enforce a shoot-to-kill order against Bangladeshi migrants caught making their mundane way from one side of the line to the other. 

Since the deal involves ceding of land to a foreign nation, it requires Parliament's approval with voting by the two-third MPs through a constitutional amendment. It is not for the first time that some land is ceded to Bangladesh. Back in September 1958, India had signed an agreement, ceding Berubari in West Bengal to then East Pakistan and the procedure adopted then will have to be followed this time too. 

The President had referred the matter to the Supreme Court for its opinion on how the agreement could be implemented. A Constitution bench of eight judges held that it requires Parliament's endorsement. It ruled that "the agreement amounts to cession of a part of the territory of India in favour of Pakistan and so its implementation would naturally involve the alteration of the content and the consequent amendment of Article 1 and of the relevant part of the first schedule of the Constitution, because such implementation would necessarily lead to the diminution of the territory of the Union of India. Such an amendment can be made under Article 368." 

Following the SC observation, Jawaharlal Nehru was compelled to draw the Constitution's ninth amendment passed to implement the India-Pakistan agreement. Manmohan Singh will have to follow the same route and if he fails to get the amendment passed, the agreement with Bangladesh can become invalid. 

The same procedure was followed in the acquisition of the Goa, Daman and Diu territories in 1962 through the 12th Constitution amendment and that of Sikkim in 1975 through the 36th Constitution amendment and will be required to merge into Indian Territory the enclaves conceded by Bangladesh and remove from its territory the land ceded to Bangladesh.
But the present situation of drum-beating of phony success of the Govt. or the appearance of BJP in the field too late stirred irritation and agitation in many a parts of Assam and West Bengal where the habitants of the border areas or the enclaves purely are adversely denying the Govt deal as felt very detrimental to their interest of peaceful living, enjoying sovereignty of a free state or the safety security of their lives now at a stake. 

The spokesman of the BJP, Chandan Mitra said that the BJP would continue to agitate against the recent land border agreement, as per which, a large portion of Assam’s land is sought to be handed over to Bangladesh. The party president has already formed a committee to visit the international border areas to assess the situation on the ground and the party would chalk out its action plan immediately after receiving the report. The committee is likely to visit the Indo-Bangla border areas and submit its report within this month. 

Mitra said that the BJP wanted to raise the issue during the recently concluded monsoon session of Parliament and also submitted a formal notice in this regard. But unfortunately, the Parliament did not function properly on the last two days of the session and the issue could not be raised, he added. However, he said that the BJP would definitely raise the issue strongly in the winter session of Parliament. 

Now, the agitations are in full swing in Assam conducted by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parisad (ABVP), the right wing student force of RSS and the All Assam Student Union (AASU) against the land deal made by the Central Government with Bangladesh. 

24X7 surveillance some time faces failure
for the soft state policies.  
"We cannot tolerate and accept to hand over Assam land to Bangladesh. So from here, from Jorhat, we like pass this strong message to the Prime Minister of the country and the chief minister of the state, no Assam land to Bangladesh," said Samujjal Bhattacharya, the advisor of All Assam Student Union. 

"And Prime Minister and Chief Minister are betrayers. We are rejecting their move and we cannot accept to hand over Assam land to Bangladesh," he added. Bhattacarya confirmed that the agreement would part with over 600 acres of land of Indian state, presently in Dhubri and Hailakandi regions of Assam to Bangladesh. 

But the CM of Assam has a quite different opinion. "I am very happy with the land swap agreement. In fact, the deal now officially gives Assam possession of over 1,240 acre of disputed land. On the other hand, Bangladesh gets 375.5 acre," Gogoi said in New Delhi on Friday. "Boraiabari village existed as Assam's territory only on the map. In reality, this area was never in our possession, even before Bangladesh's creation. There's not a single Indian citizen in this village," he added. 

But the agitations of the local people have confirmed their personal loss and a Nehruvian mentality as exemplified in the Tibet case of accession by China. 

A strong movement to protest against the deal of the Indian land to Bangladesh has launched by the ABVP, Assam unit to oppose the decision of the Govt. Of India and they will marched to every disputed land under the land swap deal as notified by the largest students’ organization in India as claimed. 

Around one thousand activists of Akhil Bharitiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) of different units of Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi district assembled on 9th Sept. at Kukithal village of Patharkandi circle, Karimganj to condemn land deal with Bangladesh and hoisted Tricolour near Lathitila-Domabaroi, a bordering village and the actual site of dispute. 

ABVP has plan to launch big agitation in all border districts.
On reaching the Kukithal BPO of BSF, the security man detained the activists but allowed a four member student delegates to go to the no-man’s land and hoists the National Flag (the Tricolour) near the disputed land. 

Addressing a gathering there, ABVP’s northeast organizing secretary Manoj Nikra criticized Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chief minister Tarun Gogoi for giving nod to the agreement without consulting the owners of the land in question and avoiding a discussion in parliament. 

According to Apangshu Shekher Seal, organizing secretary of ABVP of the valley region, the benefits of Assam as stated by Tarun Gogoi for the controversial and unaccepted deal is “remaining vague and undefined”. He wanted to know how the endemic influx of Bangladeshis would come to end. Did the agreement get any assurance from Bangladesh prime Minister that the detected and deported people of their country after push-back are taken back? It was not clear at all, as he said. What would be the quantum of the land to be returned by Bangladesh as India does not have any land of that country in its adverse possession. 

Questions after questions whirled the anxiety of the border Hindus facing day to day problems including robbery, giving live taxes, trades and cultural and religious festivals. The cross border fundamentalism and the surrounding adversities always put them in a heavy taxation of life not secured by their Hindu and Indian safe guards. This land swap deal is treated by them as a curse of destiny. Now, it is nothing but a ‘Curse for border Hindus’. 

Indian Govt. must publish a white paper on land swap deal with Bangladesh without keeping any secrecy of it.
Courtesy : The Economist, Governance Now, DNA, IBNS, Assam Tribune & Sambuddha Gupta.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big slap on the advocates of "Saffron Terrorism". Former SC Judge belonging to Christian Community praised RSS for its unbiased love for Mother Land.

RSS was never anti-minority, says Former Supreme Court judge K T Thomas

Kochi, Aug 1 (PTI) : Former Supreme Court judge K T Thomas today praised the RSS for its discipline and said the propaganda that the organisation was anti-minority was “baseless”.
Speaking at a function here, attended by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, he also said the ”smear campaign” against RSS that it was responsible for the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi must end.

“There is a smear campaign that RSS was responsible for Gandhi”s assassination just because the assassin was once an RSS worker,” he said, adding that the organisation had been ”completely exonerated” by the court.
“This smear campaign must end against RSS,” he said.

“I am a Christian. I was born as a Christian and practise that religion. I am a church going Christian. But I have also learnt many things about RSS,” he said.

“Can the entire Sikh community be responsible for Indira Gandhi”s assassination,” Thomas asked.

He said he became an admirer of the RSS in 1979 when he was posted as district judge of Kozhikode, adding simple living and high thinking was its hallmark.

During the Emergency, RSS was the only non-political organisation which fought against it. “We owe very much to RSS for sacrificing many lives for regaining our fundamental rights …”
“The propaganda that RSS was anti minority was also baseless,” he said, adding he is a great admirer of the organisation as discipline is given importance.
Courtesy: VSK Bengal.

Monday, August 1, 2011

How to wipe out Islamic terror in India and duties & responsibilities of Hindus.

How to wipe out Islamic terror 
Subramanian Swamy | Saturday, July 16, 2011
The terrorist blast in Mumbai on July 13, 2011, requires decisive soul-searching by the Hindus of India. Hindus cannot accept to be killed in this halal fashion, continuously bleeding every day till the nation finally collapses. Terrorism I define here as the illegal use of force to overawe the civilian population to make it do or not do an act against its will and well-being.
Islamic terrorism is India’s number one problem of national security. About this there will be no doubt after 2012. By that year, I expect a Taliban takeover in Pakistan and the Americans to flee Afghanistan. Then, Islam will confront Hinduism to “complete unfinished business”. Already the successor to Osama bin Laden as al-Qaeda leader has declared that India is the priority target for that terrorist organisation and not the USA.
Fanatic Muslims consider Hindu-dominated India “an unfinished chapter of Islamic conquests”. All other countries conquered by Islam 100% converted to Islam within two decades of the Islamic invasion. Undivided India in 1947 was 75% Hindu even after 800 years of brutal Islamic rule. That is jarring for the fanatics.
In one sense, I do not blame the Muslim fanatics for targeting Hindus. I blame Hindus who have taken their individuality permitted in Sanatan Dharma to the extreme. Millions of Hindus can assemble without state patronage for the Kumbh Mela, completely self-organised, but they all leave for home oblivious of the targeting of Hindus in Kashmir, Mau, Melvisharam and Malappuram and do not lift their little finger to help organise Hindus. If half the Hindus voted together, rising above caste and language, a genuine Hindu party would have a two-thirds majority in Parliament and the assemblies.
The first lesson to be learnt from the recent history of Islamic terrorism against India and for tackling terrorism in India is that the Hindu is the target and that Muslims of India are being programmed by a slow reactive process to become radical and thus slide into suicide against Hindus. It is to undermine the Hindu psyche and create the fear of civil war that terror attacks are organised.
Hindus must collectively respond as Hindus against the terrorist and not feel individually isolated or, worse, be complacent because he or she is not personally affected. If one Hindu dies merely because he or she was a Hindu, then a bit of every Hindu also dies. This is an essential mental attitude, a necessary part of a virat (committed) Hindu.

We need a collective mindset as Hindus to stand against the Islamic terrorist. The Muslims of India can join us if they genuinely feel for the Hindu. That they do I will not believe unless they acknowledge with pride that though they may be Muslims, their ancestors were Hindus. If any Muslim acknowledges his or her Hindu legacy, then we Hindus can accept him or her as a part of the Brihad Hindu Samaj (greater Hindu society) which is Hindustan. India that is Bharat that is Hindustan is a nation of Hindus and others whose ancestors were Hindus. Others, who refuse to acknowledge this, or those foreigners who become Indian citizens by registration, can remain in India but should not have voting rights (which means they cannot be elected representatives).
Any policy to combat terrorism must begin with requiring each and every Hindu becoming a virat Hindu. For this, one must have a Hindu mindset that recognises that there is vyaktigat charitra (personal character) and rashtriya charitra (national character). For example, Manmohan Singh has high personal character, but by being a rubber stamp of a semi-literate Sonia Gandhi and waffling on all national issues, he has proved that he has no rashtriya charitra.

The second lesson for combating terrorism is that we must never capitulate or concede any demand, as we did in 1989 (freeing five terrorists in exchange for Mufti Mohammed Sayeed’s daughter Rubaiya) and in 1999, freeing three terrorists after the hijack of Indian Airlines flight IC-814.

The third lesson is that whatever and however small the terrorist incident, the nation must retaliate massively. For example, when the Ayodhya temple was sought to be attacked, we should have retaliated by re-building the Ram temple at the site.

According to bleeding heart liberals, terrorists are born or bred because of illiteracy, poverty, oppression, and discrimination. They argue that instead of eliminating them, the root cause of these four disabilities in society should be removed. This is rubbish. Osama bin laden was a billionaire. In the failed Times Square episode, failed terrorist Shahzad was from a highly placed family in Pakistan and had an MBA from a reputed US university.

It is also a ridiculous idea that terrorists cannot be deterred because they are irrational and willing to die. Terrorist masterminds have political goals and a method in their madness. An effective strategy to deter terrorism is to defeat those political goals and to rubbish them by counter-terrorist action.Thus, I advocate the following strategy to negate the political goals of Islamic terrorism in India.

Goal 1Overawe India on Kashmir.
Strategy: Remove Article 370 and resettle ex-servicemen in the valley. Create Panun Kashmir for the Hindu Pandit community. Look for or create an opportunity to take over PoK. If Pakistan continues to back terrorists, assist the Baluchis and Sindhis to get their independence.

Goal 2: Blast temples, kill Hindu devotees.
StrategyRemove the masjid in Kashi Vishwanath temple and the 300 masjids at other temple sites.

Goal 3Turn India into Darul Islam.
Strategy: Implement the uniform civil code, make learning of Sanskrit and singing of Vande Mataram mandatory, and declare India a Hindu Rashtra in which non-Hindus can vote only if they proudly acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus. Rename India Hindustan as a nation of Hindus and those whose ancestors were Hindus.

Goal 4Change India’s demography by illegal immigration, conversion, and refusal to adopt family planning.
Strategy: Enact a national law prohibiting conversion from Hinduism to any other religion. Re-conversion will not be banned. Declare that caste is not based on birth but on code or discipline. Welcome non-Hindus to re-convert to the caste of their choice provided they adhere to the code of discipline. Annex land from Bangladesh in proportion to the illegal migrants from that country staying in India. At present, the northern third from Sylhet to Khulna can be annexed to re-settle illegal migrants.

Goal 5Denigrate Hinduism through vulgar writings and preaching in mosques, madrassas, and churches to create loss of self-respect amongst Hindus and make them fit for capitulation.
Strategy: Propagate the development of a Hindu mindset.
India can solve its terrorist problem within five years by such a deterrent strategy, but for that we have to learn the four lessons outlined above, and have a Hindu mindset to take bold, risky, and hard decisions to defend the nation. If the Jews could be transformed from lambs walking meekly to the gas chambers to fiery lions in just 10 years, it should not be difficult for Hindus in much better circumstances (after all we are 83% of India), to do so in five years.
Guru Gobind Singh showed us how just five fearless persons under spiritual guidance can transform a society. Even if half the Hindu voters are persuaded to collectively vote as Hindus, and for a party sincerely committed to a Hindu agenda, then we can forge an instrument for change. And that is the bottom line in the strategy to deter terrorism in a democratic Hindustan at this moment of truth.
The writer is president of the Janata Party, a former Union minister, and a professor of economics.
Courtesy : DNA.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tributes to Kargil Martyrs.

Every Year Indian Nation remembers the Kargil Martyrs with Great Pride and Veneration.
Tributes paid to Kargil martyrs
Tribune News Service
Drass, July 26
Tributes were paid to martyrs at the Forever in Operations War Memorial on the 12th Kargil Vijay Diwas, signifying the victory of Indian forces in evicting Pakistani intruders who had occupied large tracts on this side of the Line of Control in the Kargil sector.
It was on this day in 1999 that the last of the Pakistani intruders, who included army regulars as well as militants, were flushed out from fortified positions in inhospitable terrain at heights up to 18,000 feet. As many as 543 Indian troops, including many young officers, were killed in the two-month long war.
General Officer Commanding of the Leh-based 14 Corps, Lt Gen Ravi Dastane, GOC 8 Mountain Division, Maj Gen R.J. Noronha, GOC 3 Mountain Division, Maj Gen K.M. Balsara, brigade commanders, commanding officers of various battalions deployed in this sector as well as a large number of officers, jawans and their family members attended the ceremony. Also present were next of kin of some of the martyrs, ex-servicemen from this region and civilian dignitaries.
Later addressing a special sainik sammelam, Lt Gen Dastane called upon all ranks to draw inspiration from the unity, steely resolve and spirit of sacrifice displayed by the armed forces and continues to strive for professional excellence. He said the Kargil conflict was a testimony to the indomitable spirit and fighting skills of the Indian soldier.
War widows and next of kin of martyrs were also honoured on the occasion. A barakhana for all troops, a massed band display, polo match between Ladakh Scouts and Dras Bravo, a local civilian team, cultural programme for the locals, a candle lighting ceremony and an audio-visual presentation were other events organised to mark the event.
A cycle expedition organised to commemorate the golden jubilee of 70 Infantry brigade, deployed in Batalik, was also flagged-in at the war memorial. The expedition had started from Nyoma in eastern Ladakh on July 5.
Even I can’t utter their sacred names of all these Great Martyrs at a stretch, but in a moment I feel they are Gods of the real patriots of Bharat.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Spirituality can eliminate the anomalies of the Indian society. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar advocates for an effective Lokpal.

Lokpal Bill need of the hour: Shri Shri Ravi Shankar

Jammu, July 24 (ANI): Indian spiritual leader Shri Shri Ravi Shankar has said an effective Lokpal Bill is the need of the hour to resolve many of the existing anomalies of the Indian society.
Talking to reporters here on Saturday, Ravi Shankar said: "Lokpal (Ombudsman) bill is very essential, everyday many scams are coming to the limelight, so its formulation is the need of the hour. It is not only required but sort of an awareness should be created among the people and we are trying to create a corruption free society and want a spiritual, religious society and we are trying our best to work on it."
He said the entire country stands against corruption and black money.
"Tell me who is not standing against black money and corruption and tell me the name of a single person who would not stand against these," he added.
The government had appointed the joint drafting committee of the Lokpal Bill in April after anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare had gone on an indefinite hunger strike in New Delhi.
The Lokpal Bill is an anti-graft bill and is seen as a weapon to root out corruption from the government machinery.
Graft has long been a part of daily life, but a series of recent scandals - which include violations in granting telecom licences that cost the country 39 billion dollars in lost revenue-have triggered a fierce public and political outcry against an embarrassed government. (ANI)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pandit Chandrashekhar Azad - A Great Revolutionary of All Times.

श्रद्धांजलि | Homage

दुश्मन की गोलियों का हम सामना करेंगे, 

आजाद ही रहे हैं, आजाद ही रहेंगे. -चंद्रशेखर आजाद 
लेख :  सतीश चन्द्र
A Great Revolutionary
Pandit Chandrasekhar Azad
23rd July 1906 - 27th February 1931
पंडित चंद्रशेखर आजाद (23 जुलाई 1906 - 27 फरवरी 1931) भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के अत्यंत सम्मानित और लोकप्रिय क्रांतिकारी स्वतंत्रता सेनानी थे। जिनको समस्त भारतवर्ष और ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद के नाम से जानते हैं ।  वे भगत सिंह, पंडित रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल सरीखे महान क्रांतिकारियो के अन्यतंम साथियों में से थे। असहयोग आंदोलन समाप्त होने के बाद चंद्रशेखर आजाद की विचारधारा में बदलाव आ गया और वे क्रांतिकारी गतिविधियों से जुड़ कर हिंदुस्तान सोशल रिपब्लिकन एसोसियेशनके संस्थापक सदस्य बने इस संस्था के माध्यम से उन्होंने कई क्रांतिकारी गतिविधियों जैसे काकोरी काण्ड तथा सांडर्स-वध को अंजाम दिया।

पंडित चंद्रशेखर आजाद का जन्म मध्यप्रदेश के झाबुआ जिले के भावरा गाँव में 23 जुलाई सन् 1906 को हुआ आजाद के पिता पंडित सीताराम तिवारी संवत १९५६ के अकाल के समय अपने निवास उत्तर-प्रदेश के उन्नाव जिले के बदरका गाँव को छोडकर पहले अलीराजपुर रियासत में रहे और फिर भावरा में बस गए। यहीं चंद्रशेखर का जन्म हुआ। उनकी माँ का नाम जगरानी देवी था।
Read details in श्रद्धांजलि | Homage

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pakistan gave $4m to illegal Kashmiri lobby group in Washington to snatch Kashmir, destroy India and kill the Hindus.

US exposed ISI subversion on Kashmir issue; FBI arrests US-based lobbyist. A huge money much over $4m has been invested against Kashmir, India and Hindus all over. 

Chidanand Rajghatta  in WASHINGTON writes for TNN on Jul 19 2011 that : Federal authorities on Monday arrested a prominent US-based pro-Pakistan activist associated with the Kashmiri separatist movement, accusing him of funneling money from the Pakistani spy agency ISI to lobby US decision-makers.
In the process, the Obama administration’s law enforcement brigade also blew open the Pakistan and its spy agency’s two-decade long subversion of the so-called Kashmir cause.
The FBI swooped down on the Virginia residence of Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, a well-known representative of Kashmiri separatists in the US and detained him on charges of ”participating in a long-term conspiracy to act as agents of the Pakistani government in the United States without disclosing their affiliation with the Pakistani government as required by law.” Or simply put, he served as a frontman for ISI’s Kashmir agenda.Another individual, Zaheer Ahmed, like Fai a US citizen, was also similarly charged, but he is at large and believed to be in Pakistan, according to US authorities.
Fai has been a familiar and prominent figure in Washington DC for nearly two decades, lobbying Kashmiri separatist cause as executive director of the Kashmiri-American Council (KAC) and dallying with senators and congressmen. US authorities now say the KAC was just an ISI front, funded by Pakistan’s spy agency.
The FBI affidavit alleges that, although the KAC held itself out to be a Kashmiri organization run by Kashmiris and financed by Americans, ”it is one of three ‘Kashmir Centers’ that are actually run by elements of the Pakistani government, including ISI.” The two other Kashmir Centers are in London, England, and Brussels, Belgium.
According to the affidavit, a confidential witness told investigators that he participated in a scheme to obscure the origin of money transferred by Pakistan’s ISI to Fai to use as a lobbyist for the KAC in furtherance of Pakistani government interests. The witness explained that the money was transferred to Fai through Ahmad, an American living in Pakistan.
A second confidential witness told investigators that the ”ISI created the KAC to propagandize on behalf of the government of Pakistan with the goal of uniting Kashmir.” This witness said ”ISI’s sponsorship and control of KAC were secret and that ISI had been directing Fai’s activities for the past 25 years.”
Now it is detected that Pakistan gave $4m to illegal Kashmiri lobby group in Washington during these years. And FBI arrested the chair of “Kashmiri American Council”, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai for working as unregistered ISI agent for two decades in US. But this is not an uncommon unrevealing in US or the other parts in present day world. Islamic money is very much proactive to finish the unbelievers whether a Christian, Hindu, Buddhits, an Quadiyani or anybody else Islam projects a Kaffir to be killed.
This promptness of FBI or other top US intelligence wing is really a name of indulgence of running many fanatic and sophisticated Islamic institutions in American soil rising huge funds for Radical Islam in the name of Islamophobia in US or the Rights of Muslims in America. Embarrassing enough that the Islamists run terror training camps in the soil of America against everybody. It is obvious that the video under must capture the attention of everybody.
See the Islamic Terrorist Training Camp in America.
God knows the Truth..
Actually, the Islamic lobby whether it is Arab, Palestine, Pakistan or anybody invests for the liberation for Kashmir or the dangerous Jihadi Blasts in India or for the network of Indian Mujaheedin or Harkat-ul-Hindustan, they only want killing field (Dar-ul-harb) in India to finish all Hindu Kaffirs to liberate Hindustan as a Dar-ul-Islam, a new Mughlistan or Arbistan or an Islamic name per their choice.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sikh community in Lahore prevented from celebrating Martyr-day of Bhai Taru Singh at Naulakha Bazaar Gurudwara.

Sikhs kept out of their own temple for Shab-e-Barat

By Abdul Manan || Published: July 17, 2011 || Thankful Courtesy : The Express Tribune.

A policeman guards at a Sikh temple that a Islamic group 
claims is the burial site of a Muslim saint. 
Pic : The Express Tribune.

LAHORE: The Sikh community in Lahore have been prevented from observing a religious celebration at a gurdwara, their musical equipment thrown out and their entry barred, after a religious group persuaded the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) that celebrating the Muslim holy day of Shab-e-Barat was more important than the Sikh religious festival.

Police have been deployed outside the temple to prevent the Sikhs from conducting their religious ceremonies until the end of Shab-e-Barat, which falls on July 18 this year. The Sikh community wanted to commemorate an eighteenth-century saint on July 16.
The Gurdwara Shaheed Bhai Taru Singh, in Naulakha Bazaar, Lahore, is built to honour the memory of a Sikh saint who was executed in 1745 on the orders of the Mughal governor of Punjab, Zakaria Khan. Every July, the Sikh community has held religious ceremonies to commemorate his sacrifice in the service of humanity.
While the temple was taken over by the ETPB after Partition, the Sikh community had been allowed to continue using it with relatively few restrictions.
Until four years ago.
It was then that a gang of young men from the Dawat-e-Islami, a Barelvi proselytising group, claimed that the gurdwara was located on the site of the burial place of a fifteenth century Muslim saint, Pir Shah Kaku. The group claims that Kaku was the grandson of Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar, an implausible claim since Ganjshakar died in 1280, while they claim that Kaku died almost 200 years later, in 1477.
Bhai Taru Singh was executed in 1745
on the orders of a Mughal Governor.
The Sikh community had approached the ETPB, which had then allowed both communities to observe their religious rituals according to their own beliefs at the temple. The group used it every Thursday for prayer services while the Sikh community used it once a year for the anniversary of Taru Singh’s martyrdom.
This year, however, when young men from the Sikh community went in to set up their musical instruments on July 13, they were thrown out by the men from Dawat-e-Islami and prevented from re-entering.
Members of the Sikh community, many of whom fear to be identified, said that the leader of the group of men, Sohail Butt, claimed that the temple was now a mosque and that they would not be allowed to bring in their musical instruments any more.
Butt admitted to preventing the Sikhs from performing their ritual, claiming that the temple was inside the courtyard of the mosque.
“Shab-e-Barat is more important than the Sikh ritual,” Butt said, adding that the ETPB had accepted his group’s stance.
Officials from the ETPB admit that they have asked the Sikh community to postpone their celebrations until after Shab-e-Barat.
ETPB Deputy Administrator Faraz Abbas, who deals with Sikh affairs across the country, even admitted that they had been denied entry into the temple though denied that any musical instruments had been thrown out of the gurdwara.
ETPB Chairman Asif Hashmi was not available for comment as he is abroad.
The incident, however, has been highly distressing for the Sikh community.
Gurunanak Mission President Sardar Bishon Singh told The Express Tribune that the ETPB’s decision to bar Sikhs from entering their temple was against the constitution. He said that he approached the ETPB but was told to wait until after Shab-e-Barat.
“How can we postpone the rituals of our faith,” he asked, adding that the government was not paying attention to their cause.
Singh claimed that the ETPB is planning to gradually eliminate and sell all gurdwaras from Pakistan, alarming for Sikhs around the world. He appealed to Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take suo motu action over the violation of rights of minorities in the country.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 17th, 2011.